A Thousand Words: Kathy Galloway

In the ‘A Thousand Words’ strand in the smallVOICE podcast, Anne talks with a guest about a photograph or picture that means a lot to them.

Kathy1For January’s podcast, the photos are contributed by Kathy Galloway.

Listen to the podcast here.

Kathy2Click here to go to the Christian Aid Scotland website page on Bolivia and Kathy’s blog there from November 2013.

Kathy Galloway – Biography

The Rev Dr Kathy Galloway is an ordained Church of Scotland minister who, in 2002, became the first woman to be elected Leader of the Iona Community – a dispersed, ecumenical Christian community working for peace and social justice, the rebuilding of community, and the renewal of worship.

She currently holds the position of Head of ‘Christian Aid Scotland’, and is a patron of the ‘Student Christian Movement’.

She is a poet and a hymn-writer – her songs have been widely published in church hymnaries around the world.

As a practical theologian in the community, she has worked for Episcopal, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Society of Friends and Roman Catholic local churches, groups, and national organisations. She has travelled widely, and acted as a liturgical and theological resource person and consultant for the World Council of Churches, Conference of European Churches, European Industrial Mission, World Alliance of Reformed Churches, the World YMCA, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, the Irish School of Ecumenics, the Kirchentag, the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden, and Action of Churches Together in Scotland. She wrote the Lent Study Guide for 1997 for the Scottish churches, was a consultant to the 1998 Lambeth Conference ,and a co-opted staff member for the VIIIth General Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Harare, Zimbabwe in 1998. In 2005, she was one of 1,000 women worldwide collectively nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Kathy lives in Glasgow, but spends as much of her free time as possible in St Andrews with her first grand-child.

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