sv podcast – Bridgend Farmhouse (they know their apples)

Our latest small voice feature – where we seek out people and organisations which are small but make a big difference – finds Margaret getting a fab tour of Bridgend Farmhouse on the outskirts of Edinburgh. It’s a community-owned and run charitable organisation with a mission to ensure their renovated farmhouse is a “sustainable community-owned centre for learning, eating and exercise, where all can learn, work and grow together to develop a flourishing community and place.”

Have a listen as Margaret chats to team members Jo and to Khalid to find out more about the work that is done there, and what a difference a safe, outdoors spot can make to individuals. Oh, and what doing the”cool voodoo things with microbes” might be.

Margaret had a great day out and she says, “I even came home with a bottle of apple juice which was enjoyed by all round our table…”

Duration: 18’56 minutes.
Theme music by Nicolai Heidlas.

Bridgend Farmhouse on Facebook 
Bridgend Farmhouse website


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