sv podcast – peacemakers
Welcome to our latest small voice feature – where we find people and organisations which are small but make a big difference. …
Welcome to our latest small voice feature – where we find people and organisations which are small but make a big difference. …
Carol Marples is an artist, a teacher, and a facilitator, who was commissioned by the chaplain of Glasgow University to create an …
Audrey O’Brien Stewart is an Episcopal priest who hails from the state of Maine in the USA, but for the past three …
For our Thousand Words feature, Anne talks to a person about an image that means a great deal to them, and asks …
Peter Gardner has just embarked on a pioneer ministry, working with the visual arts community in Glasgow. Prior to this, he spent …
Ruth Innes describes herself as a “Passionate, Purple, Piskie Priest, and Parent of two handsome sons”. She is a Rector in the …
Well then, the Rev Dave Tomlinson does’t really need an introduction from us as we’ve been talking about him for ages. Did we …
Welcome, faithful listener, to March’s podcast: it’s a good ‘un. The team reviews BBC1’s The Gift, which gave people the opportunity to say ‘sorry’ or ‘thank …
Missionaries in space! The team reviews Michel Faber’s The Book of Strange New Things | Anne speaks to Jim Gordon about his picture …
Anne’s choice for inclusion on our shelf of worth is a challenging and moving video art installation that she saw recently at …